Coding is for the Insane!

Elson TC
3 min readSep 6, 2024
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

If you are paying to learn how to code you are being scammed!

If you think you need to learn how to code to build anything, you are being ridiculous!

If you think you need to be a good programmer to be successful, you are being ridiculous!

If you spend time in learning a new programming language or framework/library you are wasting time!

Programming is a way of thinking and programming language is how humans communicate with the dumb computers we have created. Coding is just an insane thing we do to drive technology advancements and automate the mundane tasks we do.

Coding is not a necessity anymore. We should let the computers do it! It's a waste of time and resources. Learning how to code is not a survival skill. It is a temporary stepping stone while we figure out a better way to build the things we use code for.

AI is showing us that and it's scary if coding is the way you make a living.

You are destined to be replaced and most coders are in denial. Think about it…

Coding is insane and the only reason we do it is because there is no other way.

Wait…there is now!

With AI you can simply write human language and that will create code that can then be sent to a computer…



Elson TC

Software Engineer sharing knowledge, experience, and perspective from an employee and personal point of view.